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Our Work

Unlocking opportunities and designing solutions to create a better world for all ages

Let's Team Up

Promoting successful aging through bold ideas and initiatives

We are committed to driving positive change. We seek system-wide solutions, and take coordinated action to advance the rights and well-being of people as we get older. Our work is focused under three primary areas: (1) Aging in Society, (2) Affordable & Age-Friendly Housing, and (3) Innovations for Healthy Aging.

Aging in Society

We seek solutions to broad societal challenges, such as ageism. We establish partnerships and coalitions that promote better living through bold and practical actions.

Key Aims


Age-Inclusivity at all Levels of Society


Creating a World where we Thrive at Every Age


Reimagining Aging in Canada

Projects & Initiatives

Affordable &
Age-Friendly Housing

We have taken the challenge to address a critical problem faced by many older persons – access to affordable and age-friendly housing.

Key Aims

Increase Supply

Increase Supply & Range of Affordable & Age-Friendly Homes

Innovative Housing Models

Identify New & Innovative Housing Models for Older Adults

Bridge the Gap

Bridge the Gap Between Housing & Health Sectors

Projects & Initiatives

Innovations for
Healthy Aging

We are exploring challenges that older adults face, and finding innovative solutions that will address the issues. We test, scale, and implement our ideas to create change.

Key Aims

Engage Our Network

Engage Our Network to Help Solve for Key Challenges Related to Aging

Identify Ideas & Innovations

Identify Ideas & Innovations to Address Challenges

Innovative Solutions

Pilot, Test, Evaluate, & Scale Innovative Solutions

Projects & Initiatives