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115 Years of Making an Impact

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Through the decades, our drive for innovation remains constant. From leading early treatments, to embracing cutting-edge technology, SE Health has always been ahead of its time, dedicated to pushing the boundaries, advocating for care at home and putting people first.

Bringing hope and happiness to all the lives we touch in Canada and across the globe.

SE Promise

Life Care

We bring health to life. Our care starts with you. We go where you’re going.


We love what we do. We treat each person with dignity and love, like our own family. We build empathy

Work with Purpose

We tackle tough problems. We do the right thing. We are inspired to make a difference.

Learn more about our work

Year in Review

visits and care interactions
staff across Canada
care interactions per day
Celebrating 115 years in our Communities SE Health Central East team handing out care packages to a tent city in Oshawa, ON

Celebrating 115 years in our Communities

In recognition of our milestone anniversary, we offered our teams $1115 to help make an impact in their communities. Our teams helped fund raise a refrigerator for a local community food centre, they purchased dementia-friendly pet companions for those in need, and hand delivered care packages containing food and hygiene products to local shelters and tent cities. Read More

Making a Global Impact Kitty Yin, Global Nurse Consultant, SE Health

Making a Global Impact

An SE Health case study on our age friendly affordable housing work was chosen to be included in the United Nations (UN) Progress Report, 2023.

SE Health was chosen as the Canadian lead for Global Intergenerational Week, an annual worldwide campaign encouraging intergenerational practice and relationships.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-Oppression SE Health’s Employee Experience Team

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-Oppression

Our DEIA Council created Communities of Inclusion, a welcoming space for employees to come together socially and professionally and participate in activities, share experiences, perspectives, and insights about a specific identity-based community.

In collaboration with the FNIM Program team, the DEIA Council created a land acknowledgment and guidelines for use by all SE employees.

Working Together for Indigenous Health SE Health's First Nations, Inuit and Métis team

SE First Nations, Inuit and Métis Program: Working Together for Indigenous Health

Annual $5,000 First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Health Services Scholarship aims to improve health care and services for Indigenous communities across Canada.

Launched instructor-led Courses and Programs, nationally, in 2024. They are available virtually or in-person.

More than 150 graduates from 24 blended delivery vocational programs since 2017 – PSW/HCA, Enhanced PSW, and CHR.

Thought Leadership Madonna Gallo, Cheif Strategy Officer & Senior Vice President

Thought Leadership

Madonna Gallo, Chief Strategy Officer & Senior Vice President, contributes with an op-ed in the Toronto Star on women’s surgical wait times and how it creates gender inequities.

Season 1 of The Future Age podcast hosted by our own Zannat Reza, kicked off with 8 episodes tackling topics from Age-Tech to Climate Change.

Organizational Excellence Kitty Yin, Global Nurse Consultant, SE Health

Organizational Excellence

SE Health proudly accepted the Order of Excellence Award at the Canada Awards for Excellence, by Excellence Canada for the fourth year in a row.

SE Health is awarded the Great Place to Work® Best Workplaces in Health Care.