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Clients and Families


Dear Clients and Families,

At SE Health, care comes first. As we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, we remain dedicated to your care and keeping you safe – at all times. We are delivering care in-person and virtually, using telephone and video. Now more than ever, being at home is the safest and best place to be.

SE Health is following the highest standards of infection prevention practices, as recommended by the World Health Organization, Government of Canada, and federal and provincial health authorities.

Our employees receive ongoing education, support and training to recognize the signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Before coming to work each day, employees screen themselves for symptoms and know to stay home if they are sick. Our employees also undergo mandatory COVID-19 surveillance testing requirements, where applicable. In addition, employees must screen every client prior to each visit or shift. This screening is a necessary and important tool for keeping you, your loved ones and your care team safe.

Other infection prevention practices our employees are following include: the use of alcohol-based hand rub to clean their hands, physical distancing (where possible), and the strict use of personal protective equipment such as masks, eyewear and gloves. We provide consistent communications and oversight to ensure our employees are following all the recommended standards of care and practice.

It is mandatory for all clients and family/caregivers assisting with care to wear a mask during care delivery. The exception to this protocol: clients who are unable to wear a mask due to medical reasons. Please let your care provider know if you or somebody in your family is part of this exception.

While these are challenging times for everyone, we are committed to providing you with the care, information and support you need. Please see our Frequently Asked Questions below. For more information and to read our COVID-19 protocols and resources, please visit our website at Your choice in safe care at home is our passion and commitment.

Stay safe and be well,

Shirlee Sharkey
President and CEO
SE Health


Frequently Asked Questions

What is SE Health doing to keep me safe?

At SE Health, the safety of our clients and staff is our priority. Our staff understand the individual needs of each of their clients and implement precautions to protect them. At the start of each day our staff complete self-screening. If their health screen is positive, they will not come to work. Before each visit, our staff will conduct client health screening. Our staff will take extra steps to protect you and themselves, and in turn other clients, if the screening reveals that the client or any household member has:

  • A respiratory illness
  • Symptoms of COVID-19
  • Had contact with someone with COVID-19
  • Had a COVID-19 test and is waiting for the result

All our staff are expected to wear eye protection (goggles or face shield) and a surgical mask while in your home.

What should I do if my health care worker is not wearing their eye protection or mask?

It is an expectation that all SE staff wear eye protection and mask. Please ask the staff member to put them on. If you have answered yes to any of the screening questions, are waiting for a test result, or have COVID-19, our staff will also be wearing a gown and shoe covers. Staff should not pull their mask down to speak at any time during the visit.

I’m nervous about receiving care in my home, what are my options?

At SE Health, it’s important to us that we deliver care in a way that is comfortable and safe for you – at all times. We offer various options for care and we want you to know you have choices on how you receive your care. Our staff are trained to deliver care in all circumstances. For in person care, our staff wear the appropriate personal protective equipment and practice exceptional hand hygiene. If you are receiving nursing or therapy services, we also have a virtual care option. This means that your nurse or therapist can phone you to discuss your treatment plan or use video conferencing technology (if you have a device), to conduct a video visit with you. A combination of in home and virtual visits may also be delivered, depending on your situation and needs. Please speak to your nurse or therapist to discuss these options.

Why do I have to wear a mask when receiving care?

As many as 80 per cent of people who are carrying COVID-19 do not have symptoms. Wearing a mask protects a person from contracting the virus and reduces the risk of the person spreading the virus to others. The Ontario Ministry of Health has provided direction that clients in home care should wear a mask during care (unless unable to tolerate), and any person in the home who is assisting with care (while within two metres of staff) must also wear a mask.

Should my health care worker clean their hands with soap and water?

According to Public Health Ontario, alcohol-based hand rub is better for cleaning hands than soap and water. It is effective at killing bacteria and viruses, takes less time than traditional hand washing, and has been shown to be more effective than washing with soap (even using an antimicrobial soap). Soap and water are used mostly to clean the hands when the hands have visible soiling or dirt. Please visit this link to the Public Health Ontario Website for more information.

A member of our household is in self-isolation. How will this impact my care?

Each case will be reviewed carefully with consideration as to why the household member is being isolated. Our staff will assess the situation and put a plan in place so that care can continue to be provided in the safest way possible.

A member of our household has tested positive for COVID-19. How will this impact my care?

If a household member has tested positive for COVID-19, we will work closely with you to set up the most appropriate plan for your care, which may include the option of virtual visits. However, if this is not possible, our staff will implement precautions to protect themselves, and other clients, while ensuring you receive the care you need.

I am caring for someone with COVID-19. How can I protect myself and others in the home?

If you are caring for someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, there are many things you can do to protect yourself and prevent further spread of the virus. This tip sheet from the Public Health Agency of Canada offers guidance and advice for family caregivers. How to care for someone with COVID-19 at home -

If my health care worker has already received the COVID-19 vaccine, am I protected from getting the virus?

While the vaccine will prevent the health care worker from getting sick with the virus, they are still able to carry it. Your health care worker will continue to follow public health measures such as wearing a mask and eye protection and following strict hand hygiene practices.

Where can I learn more about the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Please visit this Government of Canada link for more information about the COVID-19 vaccine: Vaccines and treatments for COVID-19: Vaccine rollout -

Who should I call if I have further questions regarding my care from SE Health?

If you have any questions, please reach out to your care team.

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