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Our COVID-19 Response

Dear partners,

The global spread of COVID-19 is affecting us all. As we grapple with the latest developments and find ways to adapt, I wanted to update you on SE Health’s response.

Guided by the latest science and evidence, we are working to protect and redeploy our frontline staff to meet client, community and health system needs. Under the leadership of Nancy Lefebre, Chief Clinical Executive, our strategy is built on the principles of social distancing and best practices in infection prevention and control. Specific measures being adopted by SE Health include:

  • A ‘digital first’ approach
    We are expanding the use of virtual care, assessments and consultations, while limiting unnecessary face-to-face contact. Frontline staff continue to be available for care delivery – in-person as well as through tele-practice and video consults – and will provide overflow support for virtual care, as needed.
  • Prioritizing individual care needs
    We are actively reviewing our client caseload to map individual care needs to the most appropriate service model (in person, phone, video, etc.). In-person visits will be provided when required and we will work to limit the number of staff entering the home to provide client care. Necessary precautions such as the use of personal protective equipment will be taken, in accordance with public health recommendations.
  • Working remote
    SE Health has joined many Canadian organizations in implementing a work-from-home strategy for our corporate and administrative employees. Additionally, we have a virtual clinical practice team of experienced nurses who are available 24/7, to provide real-time practice information and support to our front-line staff, clients and their families. 
  • Supporting health system capacity
    We have both capacity and expertise to support people in the community. In the context of surge needs created by the growing impact of COVID-19, we are committed to working with our health system partners and the government to quickly scale, as needed, programs and services in the community. This may include ramping up existing hospital-to-home programs, digital health solutions, and new models of care. 

Without a doubt, we are facing an enormous challenge – and we must rise and meet it together. On behalf of the entire SE Health team and the clients and families we serve, thank you for your ongoing collaboration, leadership and support.

Shirlee Sharkey, CEO
SE Health